Dental Emergencies
A dental emergency is classified as:
- Uncontrolled pain
- Bleeding
- Swelling
- Trauma
If you need to be seen urgently, please telephone the surgery for advice on 01225 312847. If treatment is essential, we will do our best to see you within 24 hours. The cost of a private emergency appointment during normal surgery hours, for a registered patient*, is from £49; and there may be a further charge for any treatment required.
For non-registered patients the cost of an emergency appointment is from £120 (payable at the time of booking) and there may be a further charge for any treatment required.
For emergencies when the surgery is closed, call the surgery and the answerphone will provide you with advice.
NHS patients please contact NHS direct on: 111.
View our Christmas opening hours
*A patient registered at the practice for regular dental examinations and treatment and has attended the practice within the last 2 years (this does not include patients being seen on a referral basis).