Conscious sedation can make dental treatment a much better experience if you are nervous or undergoing complex or extensive dental treatment.
Conscious sedation can make dental treatment a much better experience if you are nervous or undergoing complex or extensive dental treatment.
This means that a sedative drug (medicine) is given to you by injection into a vein. The sedation makes you drowsy and helps reduce anxiety.
Using a small injection in the arm or hand, a gentle but effective sedative is given which relaxes you. Once you are sedated, the dentist can use local analgesia (pain relief that numbs the site of the dental treatment) and carry out your dental treatment in comfort and safety.
Healthy adults may feel sleepy for 8-10 hours following conscious sedation.
You may experience a temporary loss of memory during the time that you are sedated. Many patients have no memory of the procedure at all.
You may feel unsteady on your feet for some hours after the procedure. Your ability to think clearly and make judgements may be affected for the next 24 hours. You may experience some forgetfulness. You should not drive a car, ride a bicycle or operate machinery for at least 24 hours.
You will need someone to come with you on the day of your treatment so that he or she can ensure you get home safely (not on public transport) and look after you at home. There is a separate briefing sheet for the escort, which you should make sure they review in advance of the day of treatment.
It is most important that you let the dentist know your medical history and any medicines that you are taking. The dentist will need to know if you have ever had any problems with having either sedation or a general anaesthetic and this information will be checked again on the day of treatment.
I needed major dental work and have been thoroughly impressed by my dentist’s expertise and the quality of work. Absolutely delighted with the results.
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